Friday, February 20, 2009

friends: departed

Have you ever had a group of friends, where everyone goes to everyone else's house every other week? That's what me and my friend's relation was like. Then, about 2 or 3 years ago one of my friend's dad died. One day he was happy and laughing at everything, the next, it was as if someone had taken his soul away from him. My other friends and I tried to cheer him up, but we saw less and less of him, espicially when he had to go live with his mom. Then, about a year or two ago, another friend of mine moved to a different house, switched schools, andI rarely see him. Another friend moved to Nebraska with his family so his dad could continue work. Another moved to a different city, and the last friend stayed exactly where he is. I'm happy about that. Even though he goes to a different school. :) :) :) :) :) :)